(Source: AFT - American Federation of Teachers) Kevin Wesolowski Partnership for 21st Century Skills kevin@p21.org(link sends e-mail) mailto:kevin@p21.org 202-750-1353 Celeste Busser National Education Association Cbusser@nea.org(link sends e-mail) mailto:Cbusser@nea.org 202-822-7259 Patrick St. John Schott Foundation for Public Education psj@schottfoundation.org(link sends e-mail) mailto:psj@schottfoundation.org 617-876-7700 x220 WASHINGTON-A broad-based group of organizations today released "A New Social Compact for American Education"-a groundbreaking rethinking of accountability that replaces the current paradigm of "test and punish" with a focus on what is needed to support and improve...